Process Analysis of Aeronautical Ergatic Systems: monograph


Technical University of Kosice
F. Adamcik
S. Boichenko
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (IESEM)


ergatic complex, Aeronautical, electrotechnics, electromechanics, chemmotology


The focus of the monograph is on the results of the research aimed at creating conditions for the use of the navigation ergatic complex. The determinants include the applicability criteria of methods for defining the efficiency of autonomous navigation ergatic complexуі. From the point of view of the systems approach, the applicability of target precision efficiency, which is relationally defined by probability, is discussed. The process-controlled movement of the flight control system on the specified flight path is determined in time by the probability of not leaving the specified flight airspace without process control by the operator-pilot. The criteria for the applicability of the methods for defining the efficiency of autonomous navigation ergatic complexes are a prerequisite. The applicability of target precision efficiency defined by probability is also discussed.

The monograph is recommended for professionals, researchers and young scientists in the fields of electrotechnics, electromechanics and aeronautics.



May 13, 2024

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)
